The Center for Biological Diversity (the other CBD)
Brown wolf
The Center for Biological Diversity
We’re big fans of biodiversity and we obviously love CBD (Cannabidiol), so naturally we have a ton of love and respect for that “other” CBD, The Center for Biological Diversity (referenced here as “The Center”… to avoid any confusion) . Since 1989, The Center has worked tirelessly to protect our planet’s endangered species and wild places.
As a science-based non-profit this organization works to defend plant and animal species that face the perils of habit degradation, environmental pollution, and outright ecological persecution. With over 1 million members globally, and a savvy cadre of pro bono lawyers, The Center continues to stand up to corporations and government entities alike in order to protect clean air, pristine waters, and wilderness areas from exploitation and habitat destruction… all for the greater good.
As you read this, The Center is working to save The Endangered Species Act, safeguard critical habitat corridors for jaguars in the American southwest and raise awareness about the link between wildlife exploitation and the rise of zoonotic diseases like SARS-CoV-2 (COVID-19). Grassroots activism, creative media strategies, and a courtroom presence all play a part in The Center’s strategy.
Here at Catori, we fervently believe that these pursuits are critical and we’re grateful to The Center for taking such a leadership role in defense of nature. Diversity in all forms supports a more resilient ecosystem, and biodiversity is the foundation that allows our planet’s systems to function.
As a thank you to The Center and to show our support for this essential work, we’re committing to contribute 1% of our sales in 2021 directly to The Center for Biological Diversity.